Portuguese Biscuits

Portuguese Biscuits


3/4 cup of sugar
3/4 stick of butter
3 eggs
3 cups of flour
2 tsp baking powder

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Lightly grease a cookie sheet.

Melt the butter and allow to cool a little. In a bowl, mix the sugar and melted butter together well with a fork. Add the eggs and blend well with fork or whisk.

In a separate bowl, add the flour and baking powder and blend well.

Add the flour/ baking powder to the egg, sugar mixture and mix with a wooden spoon until dough starts to form. With your hands work the dough so that it is well blended. The dough should not stick to your hands, if it does you may need to add just a little more flour.

On the counter top or cutting board, knead the dough a little and then scoop out 1 heaping tablespoon of the dough. Using your hands or countertop, roll each tablespoon of dough into a snake-like shape approximately 5-6 inches long and 1/2 wide. Make a circle shape with the dough, overlap the ends and pinch the two ends together.

Place the biscuits on the cookie sheet. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes or until they start to turn a golden color.

This recipe makes approximately 18 -24 biscuits.

8 thoughts on “Portuguese Biscuits

  1. hi my name is danny. i am portuguese. i love this site. now i do some of what my mother made for me when i was growing up. our parents made the best foodsnow i can do some but it will not be the same and as good as my parents did

  2. Made these with my granddaughters cause I thought it would be a good project and teach them of their heritage at the same time. The dough was very dry and hard to work with. I added a couple more tablespoons of melted butter. They’re in the oven now and we’ll see how they taste. Has anyone else had the same problem?

  3. They were just ok. I thought they needed either lemon or vanilla. Maybe some almond flavoring. My grandkids didn’t care for them but I think they’re more for adults to have with tea or coffee

    1. Thanks for the feedback Geri! I know when I put the recipe together way back, I cut back on the butter and sugar to make them a little healthier because that is what I prefer and I do that often when baking and cooking….I try to be a little health conscious in places I think it might work. However, I think for the masses, these biscoitos probably need to be a little sweeter. I did try to make them again yesterday and I think it does need a little more butter and I will probably adjust the sugar a bit to make them sweeter. Thanks again for the feedback!!

  4. My tia (from the Algarve) adds cinnamon in/out. They are delish. Wish i would have got the recipe from her when I was there last month.

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